Samiclahja Björk Ihkku

Magiica’s Lapinkoira Wargo x Ikuinenlahjan Orosmäki

Kantaa was born at kennel SamicLahja from Geke Bijma. Geke has bought from the first litter of Hukka Noora as a breeding bitch. It was a great honor for me that she trusted me to support her in the start of her breeding program. Together we went to Sweden to mate Noora with Wargo and also during the delivery I was allowed to be present for support and help. Noora gave birth to 3 males and 3 females. Kantaa is a social man who is not easily impressed by other dogs. He also has an enormous work ethic and likes sheep herding. Kantaa does not live with me but with his aunt Terva, Noora’s sister. Both dogs get along very well.

Kantaa’s co-owner is Elena Fine.
